As it stands right now, some five dozen employees at the St. Pete Times Forum — 60 for the mathematically challenged — have been given their walking papers in what’s being termed as a “massacre”.
To one extent, you can blame the economy and the lack of events scheduled for one of the highest grossing arena’s in the world.
To another extent, you could look at the inexperienced managing style of OK Hockey and conclude that they know not what they do with certain moves they make…
As it stands right now there are no published reports of how far and wide the layoffs go, or the reasoning behind them. If it’s simply a seasonal move, it seems counter what usually goes on at the arena. It also adds reasons to scrutinize remarks that co-owner Len Barrie made last weekend regarding team finances.
UPDATE 7:37 PM EDT: Finally a mainstream outlet reports on the layoffs and with this I must make a retraction, as the number of people laid off were 20, not 60 as sources have told me.