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Ranger$ thoughts….

Inspired by Fire Glen Sather!.com

Welcome to FIREGLENSATHER.com! We created this website to give New York Rangers fans a much needed voice in the disastrous frenzy that is the state of the New York Rangers. The Dolan family does not seem to care. Glen Sather is too arrogant to do what is best for the team. And, the media is too reserved in their criticism for fear that the individuals who should be the subject of a full-scale assault will refuse them interviews somewhere down the line.

So, it is our responsibility, as a fan base, to bring the appropriate issues to the forefront; to tell the organization how we feel; to take back the organization that the Dolans and Glen Sather have conspired to hold hostage since the very moment that each party entered the picture. Peruse the sight. Read all of the opinions and commentary and feel free to contribute a thought or an opinion. All sentiments are welcome.

There’s one thing that I can’t understand about the bitterness to Slats — how fans and the media have demanded that the Rangers bring in big names, and how that helped drive him to acquire the big names along with someone above him in the executive offices telling him to buy-buy-buy. For years you hear Rangers fans cooing over the possiblities with big name free agents and players that could be acquired… And after they are brought together at Madison Square Garden, what do they achieve besides having a super-large payroll? Absolutely nothing… Yet the fans and the media demand that the Rangers invest in so-and-so big name, they always have, and they don’t take the responsibility to see what kind of a mess they helped turn the Rangers franchise into.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I got no love for Glen nor the Ranger$… The thing is, just like the Mets, the team seems driven to bring in big names and sell off all prospects in order to win… And it backfires consistantly. You win for a shorter amount of time – and extremely small window of opportunity – when you do this. The Rangers consistantly have sold their soul for a winner, and their Stanley Cup drought over the years is evidence of this, just as the post-1994 drought is.

1994 was something that convinced them this system of buy-buy-buy, future-be-damned system works….

When was the last Ranger team that was dominated by home-grown talent instead of hired guns and acquired Superstars? You know, sorta like the slow-building of a certain southern hockey team that was the laughingstock of the league from 1997 through 2000?

Slather deserves some of the blame for not doing what he did in Edmonton and produce a winner on the cheap…. But some of the fans and execs deserve a portion of the blame, demanding big name stars instead of allowing the team time to grow.

The best thing that the Rangers could do is start clean and put together a 5 year plan…. It worked here in Tampa Bay, where we’ve got a ton of home grown talent (Kubina, Lecavalier, Richards, Clymer) to go along with the few free agents and no-name acquisitions over that 5 year span (Khabibulin, Grahame, St. Louis, Modin, Taylor, etc) to become a force in the East. It’d work for the Rangers if everyone wasn’t so desperate to win NOW and bring in every big name they can think of in order to do it.

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