Boyle’s out, O’Brien’s in. Kubina’s gotta step up and we’re playing Southbeast Champion Carolina tonight in Raleigh… Here’s Casonblog’s take:
Tonight will be a huge test. Tampion Bay is hungry and grinding to get into the playoffs. Gut check night. How do the ‘Canes play coming off a bad loss to the Craps? Like Staal, Justin Williams looks frustrated to me-Ditto Matt Cullen. Will we see Big Joe?Meanwhile, Acid Queen’s trying to rally the troops.
Meanwhile, it would seem certain fans at Sun Sports TV’s message forum are finally tipping the Hurricanes the respect they deserve for being on top of the NHL. Last time around? They were deemed the “3rd rate tropical storms” from the homer elite at Sun Sports. This time? It’s Carolina. Maybe someone learned something about respect between then and now? Probably not.
The Habs are within 2 points of the Lightning now, this is no game for John Grahame to stumble in. Grahame does have a 4-0 record this season versus Carolina this season… So there is hope…